Timing of Your Writing

With all that is going on the world - particularly the pandemic - which, at the time of this post seems to be headed very downhill (in the U.S. at least), I was pondering about timing of the subject of your writing.

It occurred to me that there most likely are writers out there who perhaps have been working on novels with the main concept revolving around a pandemic, or life post-pandemic. Imagine having worked on a novel for several years with this subject and then BAM! an actual pandemic hits.

What irony, huh?

I couldn't imagine. I think we all are experiencing enough of this pandemic in real life with no desire to want to go through a fictional version.

Luckily for me, the equivalent scenario would mean time travel would suddenly have to become real. Thankfully that isn't going to happen! Or could it...? ;)

I suppose that is the funny thing about time travel, it could technically happen any time, right?

What about you? Have you ever been working on a project that suddenly became an undesirable subject? 


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