Shower Idea No. 1

Happy Friday! It's spring! It's almost the weekend! It's time to make pancakes (once I'm done with this post)!

This post is the start of a series related to the title of my blog, though this of course is not my first good shower idea. The first one was how I came up with the premise for my current WIP. The second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth through at least twenty were ways to solve problems in my MS. And then, of course, came the idea for this blog. But we'll start at No. 1 anyways for sake of blogging organization.

So, what did I come up with in the shower this morning?

Well, you know those dreams you have where you are trying to get somewhere or find something and it's a struggle the ENTIRE TIME? You know the ones: a million obstacles get in your way, or you are just wandering hopelessly for what feels like hours. These are the stressful dreams where you wake up relieved that you don't actually have to achieve that goal or find your locker in your old high school (which is most often the situation for myself).

In the shower this morning, it occurred to me: this is a GREAT example of what life should be like for our protagonists in trying to reach their goal. Everything you've got needs to be thrown at them to make their lives harder, to make every step they take seem like a wrong turn, to make them feel hopeless.

So next time you have one of these dreams, take note of how difficult it was for you to reach your goal and enact those same feelings in your writing.

What kind of dreams have you had like this that you might be able to use as an example for your writing?

Happy writing and happy showering!


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