Writing after baby


When people say that once you have a kid your entire life changes - it's true, to an extent. 

Let me revise that saying. It should be:

When you have a kid, your entire life changes to figuring out how to keep doing your life while keeping another human being that is solely dependent on you alive.

Your life doesn't change. It stays the same and now you have to figure out how to bring this new incredibly delicate life along with you. 

Don't read this wrong. I'm not saying you have to fit baby into your life. In fact, baby should become your life. 

And for a while, baby does become your entire life.

Then maternity leave ends. Then you go back to work. Then you try to remember what having friends is like again. Then you attempt to have a workout schedule. And then, and then, and then...

And then you realize that you have to return to what your life was but now with this fantastic little being that doesn't care about any of that except you.

It has been a battle to get the motivation to get back to what I love, in all aspects of my life. In some ways everything but the little nugget sleeping in my arms pales in comparison. 

But when I kick that soccer ball, hit that drum, read that book, write that story...something happens inside me, something breaks out of its hiding place and reminds me that this is also what I was made for.

I was made to do many things. Being a mom is just adding to that list. 

I am still a soccer player. I am still a drummer. Still an avid reader.

I am still a writer.

If you are in a similar situation, you will get there. Challenge yourself. Allow yourself to get back to what you love. Give yourself opportunities to rekindle your love of whatever it is you love to do. 

Or sleep. Sleep is good ;) 

Then get back to it!


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